Prezantohen pronaret e Albpetrol - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Pronaret e rinj qe pritet te menaxhojne kompanine e naftes Albpetrol do te jene biznesmeni shqiptar Rezart Taçi, drejtuesi i kompanise "Ypo oil" me qender ne Singapor, se bashku me perfaqesues te kompanise amerikane Silkroud. Ky konsorcium me emrin "Vetro energy" u prezantua perpara publikut, pas miratimit nga qeveria, e cila shpalli fituese oferten e tyre prej 850 milion eurosh. Aksioneri qe mban 51 % te aksioneve Rezart Taçi, tha se pas miratimit nga parlamenti te kontrates, pritet te depozitohet edhe shuma e plote me nje kest te vetem prej 850 mln euro. Sipas tij, pjese e punes se kompanise ne te ardhmen do te jete edhe rishikimi apo verifikimi i marreveshjeve koncesioanare ne hidrokarbure. Per nje jave pritet te nisin edhe negociatat per lidhjen e kontrates. Per sa i perket planit te investimeve, ne 5 vitet e ardhshme kompania thote se do te investoje 220 milion euro, duke rritur gradualisht prodhimin. Fillimisht puna do te nise me riaktivizimin e puseve si dhe investimet ne teknologji.

The new owners are expected to manage the oil company Albpetrol will be Albanian businessman Rezart Taci, the head of the company "Ypo oil" with its headquarters in Singapore, together with representatives of U.S. company Silkroud. This consortium named "VETRO energy" was presented before the public, after approval by the government, which declared their winning bid of 850 million euros. Shareholder who holds 51% of shares Rezart Taci said that after the approval by parliament of the agreement, expected to be deposited the full amount with a single tranche of 850 million euro. According to him, part of the work of the company in the future will be a review or verification of agreements koncesioanare in hydrocarbons. For a week, is expected to launch the negotiations for conclusion of the contract. Regarding the investment plan, in the next 5 years, the company says it will invest 220 million euros, increasing production gradually. Initially work will begin with the reactivation of wells as well as investments in technology.

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