Bie prodhimi i "Albpetrol" - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 1

Procedurat e zgjatura te procesit te privatzimit, i cili ne fund dështoi, ndikoi negativisht edhe ne menaxhimin e kompanisë Albpetrol. Duke ju referuar te dhënave zyrtare, ne vitin 2012, kjo kompani arriti te prodhoje vetem 45 mije ton nafte, nga 60 mije qe prodhoi ne 2011. Sipas eksperteve, rënia graduale e prodhimit nuk vjen vetëm nga reduktimi i vendburimeve por edhe i drejtimit te kompanisë. Nga viti ne vit qeveria nëpërmjet vendimeve te ndryshme ka dhëne me koncesion vendburime e naftës kompanive private, duke ja hequr nga administrimi Alpbetrolit, për shkak edhe te teknologjisë se përdorur. Nga ana tjetër edhe ato vendburime te naftës qe janë ne administrimin e Albpetrolit nuk janë te regjistruara ne hipoteke, çka ka qene nje tjetër problem i dështimit te privatizimit.

Prolonged procedures Privatization process, which ultimately failed, impacted negatively on the management of the company Albpetrol. Referring to official data, in 2012, the company was able to produce only 45 thousand tons of oil, 60 thousand was produced in 2011. According to experts, the gradual decline of the production comes not only from the reduction of deposits but also the direction of the company. From year to year the government through various decisions has given concessions for oil deposits private companies, has been removed from administration Alpbetrolit, because the technology used. On the other hand those oil deposits are in the administration of Albpetrol are not registered in the mortgage, which has been another problem of the failure of privatization.

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