Guitar Lessons in San Diego - Guitar FAQs #3

2014-10-16 2

San Diego Guitar Lessons - Guitar FAQs #3:
Why should I learn music theory?

Music theory is only a guideline. There is a roadmap on your guitar... And if you learn the roadmap, you will start to find your favorite places on the guitar. You'll start to get familiar with the sounds, and you'll start to find new ways to get from one sound to the other.. If you don't know the roadmap, there is nothing but empty space... and then you will have to figure it all out on your own with no real strategy and no direction. I used to be afraid
to learn music theory because I thought it would limit my creativity... But actually it's totally the opposite because now I know how to control the things that I play. There is a picture waiting to be drawn and I just have to draw and color the lines the way I want them using the sounds given to me in the specific key...

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The Best Guitar Lessons in San Diego