What Are The Top 5 Ways To Consume Potatoes?

2020-05-12 4

1. Vodka - straight up, kind of a lame answer. But also an honest answer. I have the most fun when I have potatoes vodka style. I get the most excited when someone proposes we go get vodka potatoes. Therefore, it's number one.

2. Potatoes au gratin - I kept switching between calling these potatoes au gratin and scalloped potatoes because I'm not sure if they're the same thing and if they're not then I'm not sure which one I actually mean. But, despite the fact that I'll still panic every time I have to say au gratin because I'm sure it just has to be pronounced fancier than it is, they're the best. Potatoes au gratin ooze class and you're know you're at a serious meal when they show up.

3. Potato chip (particularly Baked Lays) - the perfect lunchtime co-star. Imagine going into a sandwich shop and not leaving with a bag of chips? Someone would call the police on you. Unlike french fries, I eat every chip. That says something and it says it loudly.

4. Baked sweet potato - I like my carbs complex, son! A baked sweet potato is the best of both worlds, delicious and healthy and also serves as a mini-dessert. Leave that bad boy on your plate last then take the whole thing down and feed that sweet tooth before the chocolate cake comes.

5. Poutine - I almost forgot poutine but it should be higher than this. It's incredible we still haven't stolen poutine form the Canadians and made this a staple on all American menus. It doesn't make any sense to me and I'll be keeping an eye our for whichever candidate adds that to their 2020 platform.