Add An Apple To The Potatoes To Prevent...

2019-07-25 4

7 Tips & Tricks To Keep Your Food Fresh Longer
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Do you just throw all your groceries in the fridge, thinking that will automatically keep your food fresh longer? BUT WAIT! Not all food is suitable for the refrigerator, especially certain fruits, veggies, and even bread. Save money and prevent food waste with these food hacks that will show you how to fix 7 common grocery problems, including:

1. Freezer Burn

2. Stale Bread

3. Soured Milk

4. Hard Cookies

5. Wilted Lettuce

6. Sprouting Potatoes

7. Moldy Carrots

Share this information with your family and friends – they'll love being able to get the most out of their food and will also be grateful for how much money you're going to save them!