Tik Tok China Daily Trending Videos 20190529 抖音每日热门视频

2019-05-29 30

Tik Tok China Daily Trending Videos Collection Today 20190529 今日抖音每日热门视频合集

Everyday, you can eat delicious food, first lock the man's stomach ~ and then lock the man's heart... Today's braised tofu, simple and delicious, 嘻嘻 @摇音小助手(每天都烧好吃的菜,先锁住男人的胃~再锁住男人的心……今天做的红烧豆腐,简单又美味,嘻嘻@抖音小助手) - One美食

I still sang this song. Are you an angel or a devil?(终于还是唱了这首 你是天使还是魔鬼) - 热爱唱歌的老婆

If I am a devil, then you are (如果我是魔鬼,那么你是) - 郭 聪 明

I will explain clearly this evening, where are you coming from? #情侣#男友#He is Zihao(今天晚上交代清楚,你哪来的五块?#情侣 #男友 #他是子豪) - 他是子豪

Is it my own?(是我亲生的吗) - JuJu .Z

The bedroom continues to shoot big movies! ! ! #摇音小助手 #女生宿舍拍时尚大片(寝室继续拍大片!!! #抖音小助手 #女生宿舍拍时尚大片) - 大楽楽楽

It’s really distressing to laugh!(实在让人心疼的想笑!) - 小磨牙

I still want to bite me. #喵, I’m afraid I don’t know if I have cats for more than ten years.(小样还想咬我#喵 你怕不知道我养猫十几年) - 橘子

#珠海长隆海洋王国 Cute and lovely, a group of chubby penguins walked towards me, I want to catch one back to raise(#珠海长隆海洋王国 可爱可爱可爱,一群胖嘟嘟的企鹅朝我走来,好想抓一只回去养) - 寶

The pumpkin pie that your child likes most is coming. I don’t think it’s so simple~(孩子最爱吃的南瓜饼来啦,想不到做法这么简单~) - 喂谷美食记

#对联 The storm in Guangxi, are you raining?(#对联 广西暴雨⛈️,你们那下雨了吗?) - 小六视野

Turn off the lights only ~ Why compare?(关灯而已 ~ 何必攀比呢?) - 黑魔仙

Is there the same paragraph? ? Is it only me who has a video with my boyfriend? ? ? ? #同款开视频(有同款吗??跟男朋友视频露眼睛的只有我一个????#同款开视频) - 柚稚霍_

() - 奔跑的蜗牛

I guess her mother hasn’t beat him for three days. @摇音小助手(我估计她妈已经三天没有打他了@抖音小助手) - 七星虫丶

Hani installed a small bed. I don't want to break even more, just don't know how we should meet with you... maybe the essence of life is plain... @摇音小助手(给哈尼装了小床。我也不想断更,只是不知平淡的我们应该如何跟大家见面…也许生活的本质就是平淡吧…@抖音小助手) - 金啊涛

It must be that I made a mistake.(一定是我哪里搞错了) - 大G

#slomo I have seen angels, met the devil, dear, who are you? #魔之的魔鬼(#slomo 我见过天使,遇过魔鬼,亲爱的,你到底是谁?#来自天堂的魔鬼) - 贝勒儿

China has sent more than 39,000 peacekeepers, and at least 21 peacekeeping policemen have died. Today, the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, I hope that you will return safely every time you go out!(中国累计派出维和人员3.9万余人,至少21名维和军警牺牲。今天,联合国维和人员国际日,愿你每次出征都平安归来!) - 央广军事

How to decrypt people how to get along with people...(解密怎样与人相处…) - 郭冬临

The dog is so small, laughing at me...(狗胆子真小,笑死我了……) - 阿飞

We have a vast heart more than 95,000 kilometers, but we always sit on a chair less than a square meter. West Sichuan, from day to night, gives you a different beauty(我们拥有一颗比九万五千公里还辽阔的心,却总坐在不到一平米的椅子上。川西,从白天到黑夜,给你不一样的美) - 摄影师小强先森

I accidentally deleted this video by hand, and can I make it popular even if I send it again? @摇音小助手(手误不小心删掉了这个视频,再发一遍还能让我上热门吗?@抖音小助手) - Pony朴惠敏

There are only 10 days left in the 2019 college entrance exam, and I can't bear every child. I can't bear every memory. You are so cute. I almost scared you.(距2019高考仅剩10天、舍不得每一个孩子,舍不得每一段记忆,你居然这么可爱。差点把你吓呛着了。) - 小倪老师

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