Tik Tok China Daily Trending Videos #20190627 抖音每日热门视频

2019-06-27 0

I have to be a dream in my dreams.(梦里要啥有啥,我先睡为敬) - 无敌灏克

Swiss life scene(瑞士人的生活场景) - 罐头瓶子在荷兰

@拉暴兄弟 Crossing the 21st century #颜值三生花完(@拉暴兄弟 穿越21世纪#颜值三生花不完) - 黄一山香港演员

Puppet people... Selfie MV(木偶人... 自拍MV) - 薛之谦

Hahahahaha is a skin, happy!(哈哈哈哈哈就是皮一下,开心就好!) - 潘长江

Understand the truth(了解啥啊到底) - 孙艺洲

Which hair color do you think looks good? #百变发色随心换(你们觉得哪个发色好看?#百变发色随心换) - -823_

#合拍 Let me play drums together!唔奥奥奥~唔奥奥奥~@行不(#合拍 跟我一起来敲鼓吧!唔奥奥奥~唔奥奥奥~@行不行) - 猴子

Behind the silence(背后默默付出的) - 尼莎 • 拉巴基

Temperament has nothing to do with age, women should live like this, agree with the praise(气质这东西和年龄无关,女人就应该活成这个样子,同意的点赞❤️) - 乐退族

Haha. Let me say something.(哈哈。让我说点啥好) - 呀!土豆啊

What day is it today?(今天什么日子?) - L李宏毅

Every time I call my mom, I have a surprise.(每次给我妈打电话都有惊喜。) - 刘小啦

#暖男暖男小暖男, protected by 3 men in the near future(#暖男暖男小暖男 不久的将来被3个男人保护) - 糖包麻麻

I heard a big song from an early age.(这首从小听到大的歌 不跳ㄧ个怎么行!) - 罗志祥

Do I have a sweet love with me? #vlog日常@摇音小助手(我和甜甜的恋爱有瓜系吗?#vlog日常 @抖音小助手) - 大拍嘘

You go away ~~~哼~~~ Too lazy to care about you~~~(你走开~~~哼~~~懒得理你~~~) - 省庐