Rama me familjaret e Gërdecit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Kryetari i partise Socialiste, Edi Rama, priti per rreth 1 ore ne zyren e tij, nje perfaqesi te familjareve te viktimave ne tragjedine Gerdecit.
Nga shperthimi i ndodhur ne 15 mars 2008, humben jeten 26 vete. Takimi pason vendimin e gjykates se Apelit te dates 13 shkurt, i cila lehtesoi ndeshkimet me vite burg te dhena nga shkalla e pare. Lideri i opozites, mesohet se ka premtuar rigjykimin e dosjes me ardhjen e PS-së ne pushtet, qendrim i bere publik edhe nga deputetet e majte ne sallen e Kuvendit. Per opoziten, drejtesia nuk eshte vene ne vend per ngjarjen e Gerdecit, si pasoje e presionit politik qe ushtron kryeministri mbi gjyqesor.

President of the Socialist Party, Edi Rama, waited for about 1 hour in his office, a representation of victims' family members in Gerdec tragedy.
Explosion occurred on March 15, 2008, killed 26 people. The meeting follows the decision of the Court of Appeals dated February 13, which facilitated penalties with years of imprisonment provided by the first level. Opposition leader, taught that promised retrial file with the advent of the Socialist Party in power, attitude made ??public by leftist deputies in the Assembly Hall. For the opposition, the law has not been put in place for the incident, as a result of exercising political pressure on Prime judiciary.