AK: Mashtrimi me stadiumin - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Aleanca Kuq e Zi ka vijuar sot fushaten denoncuese te "inaugurimit te mashtrimeve" te kryeministrit Berisha. Ndalesa e rradhes e aktivisteve ishte stadiumi kombetar "Qemal Stafa", ku perfaqesues te Aleances thane se kryeministri mashtroi me premtimin per ndertimin e tij me rastin e 100-vjetorit te pavaresise. Aleanca Kuq e Zi premtoi se ne 4- vjeçarin e pare te qeverisjes se saj do te finalizoje 3 stadiume olimpike ne Shqiperi. Kryeministri Berisha, sipas AK-së, nuk e ka nisur ende, qofte edhe me nje tulle te vetme, ndertimin e stadiumit te ri, ndersa nga ana tjeter ambientet sportive jane dhene per interesa klienteliste.

Red and Black Alliance has continued today denouncing campaign "inauguration of fraud" Prime Minister Berisha. Next stop was the national stadium activists "Qemal Stafa", where representatives of the Alliance said that the Prime Minister misled by his promise of building on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of independence. Red and Black Alliance promised that in the first 4 year old that her government will finalize 3 Olympic stadiums in the country. Prime Minister Berisha, the CA has not yet begun, even with a single brick, building a new stadium, while the other side sports facilities are provided to client interests.