Preç Zogaj në "Intervista" - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Ndersa ka prezantuar librin e tij te fundit "Ne kerkim te zgjedhjeve te humbura", publicisti dhe politikani Preç Zogaj ka deklaruar ne emisionin "Intervista" se opozita ka te gjitha mundësitë per te fituar betejën elektorale te vitit te ardhshëm. Sipas Zogajt, e majta duhet te punoje ne këto muaj per te krijuar nje koalicion sa me te gjere si dhe te konkretizoje programin per qeverisjen e vendit. Ne librin e tij, Zogaj ka sqaruar disa moment te vështira te jetes politike te viteve te fundit. Sipas tij, strategjia e Rames me protesta dhe bojkot pas zgjedhjeve te 2009 synonte vetem transparencën dhe jo rrëzimin e Berishës. Nderkohe qe ne lidhje me 21 janarin, Zogaj ka reaguar ndaj shpifjeve te maxhorances per Aleks Niken. Sipas tij, qeveria u përpoq t'ia hidhte pergjegjesine per ngjarjen njerëzve qe humben jetën ne bulevard.

As he presented his latest book "In search of lost elections", publicist and politician Prec Zogaj said in the show "interview" that the opposition has all the chances to win next year's election battle. According Zogaj, left to work in these months to create a much broader coalition and document program for governing the country. In his book, Zogaj explained some difficult moment of the political life in recent years. According to him, the strategy of Rama and protests after the 2009 election boycott aimed only transparency and non Berisha crash. While about January 21, Zogaj reacted to smear majority for Alex Nike. According to him, the government tried to throw the responsibility for the event people who died in the street.