Ministrja e Integrimit Majlinda Bregu ne emisionin "Intervista" ka perseritur qendrimin e maxhorances se greva e ish te perndjekurve eshte politike. Duke iu shmangur komenteve per deklaratën e ambasadorit amerikan ne Tirane Aleksander Arvizu se qeveria qe nuk dialogon duhet te largohet, ministrja e Integrimit sulmoi koordinatoret e greves se urise si njerez te inkriminuar. Sipas ministres, qeveria do te zbatoje ligjin per dëmshpërblimin e ish te përndjekurve, duke publikuar edhe nje kalendar te qarte se kur do te ndahen kestet e dëmshpërblimit. Ne lidhje me statusin e vendit kandidat; ministrja përsëriti se klasa politike shqiptare duhet te miratoje 3 kushtet ne mënyrë qe te loboje prane këshillit te ministrave per te marre nje pergjigje pozitive ne 13 dhjetor. Sipas ministres Bregu, Topi eshte ne anen e opozites e cila sipas saj ka bllokuar ligjet qe kërkojnë shumice te cilësuar.
Integration Minister Bregu in the show "interview" reiterated the position of the majority of former prisoners strike is political. Avoiding comment on the statement of the U.S. Ambassador in Tirana Alexander Arvizu that government dialogon not have to leave, Integration Minister attacked the coordinators of the hunger strike as people incriminated. According to the minister, the government will implement the law on compensation for former persecuted by publishing a calendar clear when they will be separated installments of compensation. Regarding the status of candidate country; Minister reiterated that the Albanian political class to adopt 3 conditions so as to lobby the Council of Ministers to make a positive response on December 13. According to the minister Coast, the ball is on the side of the opposition, which according to her has blocked laws requiring a qualified majority.