Bamir Topi kërkon ndjese për PD-në -- Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Kryetari i Frymës së Re Demokratike, Bamir Topi ka kërkuar ndjesë publike per pergjegjesite qe i takojne sipas tij anetaresise se kesaj force politike per degradimin e pushtetit nen qeverisjen e demokrateve.
Ish- presidenti sulmoi hapur shefin qeverise Berisha, per moszgjidhjen e çeshtjes se pronave, por edhe vrasjet qe ndodhen ne 21 janar, ku 4 protestues te opozitës humben jeten perballe selise se kryeministrisë. Lideri i FRD prezantoi 19 drejtuesit e departamenteve qe do te mbajnë peshen kryesore ne hartimin e programit dhe fushatën elektorale te vitit te ardhshëm, ku ra ne sy afrimi i shume figurave te njohura te partisë Demokratike, si Blerim Çela ish kreu i KLSH, Stavri Ristani ish zv/minister, apo Aleksandër Sallabanda ish-ambasador ne SHBA. Me tej, zoti Topi perseriti se nuk do te kete aleance me socialistet e demokratet, por vetem me qytetaret. FRD, nje parti qe eshte rreshtuar si force e qendrës se djathte, do te prezantoje ne janarin e 2013 programin e ri politik me te cilin do te garoje ne zgjedhjet e ardhshme parlamentare.

President of the New Democratic Spirit, Bamir Topi has apologized publicly for his responsibilities as prescribed by the membership of this political force for the degradation of power under the rule of Democrats.Former president openly attacked Berisha government chief, for the non-resolution of property issues, as well as deaths occurring on January 21, where 4 opposition protesters lost their lives in front of the headquarters of the Prime Minister. FRD leader presented the 19 heads of departments who will bear the brunt in the design of the program and next year's election campaign, which fell in the eye approach more familiar figures of the Democratic party, as Blerim Çela former head of the SAI, Stavri Ristani former deputy / minister, or Alexander Sallabanda former ambassador to the U.S.. In addition, Mr. Topi reiterated that there will be no alliance with the Socialists and Democrats, but only with the citizens. FRD, a party that is listed as a center-right force, will present in January 2013 a new political program which will compete in the upcoming parliamentary elections.