Bamir Topi në "Debat" - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Ish-presidenti i Republikës tashme kryetar i Frymes se Re Demokratike ka hedhur akuza te ashpra ndaj kryeministrit Sali Berisha dhe maxhorances aktuale per indiferencën ndaj greves se urise se ish-te përndjekurve politike.
Ne emissionin "Debat", Topi ka deklaruar se roli i Berishës ne kete çeshtje eshte i njejte ne ate te nje persekutori te regjimit komunist, duke theksuar se ne këndvështrimin e tij greva nuk është politike. Topi ka premtuar se nese vjen ne pushtet, brenda 3 viteve do te dëmshpërbleje ish te përndjekurit. Duke iu referuar fteses se liderit te se majtes Edi Rama per koalicion parazgjedhor, Topi ka perseritur se FRD nuk do te beje koalicion me asnje prej partive te medha. Sipas tij, Rama përgjatë viteve te fundit ka qene bashkëpunëtori me i ngushte i kryeministrit Berisha. Ish-presidenti Topi eshte shprehur kunder nje mandati te trete per kryeministrin Sali Berisha; duke sjelle edhe nje shembull se si ne Kine personat me moshen e kryeministrit 68 vjeç dalin nga politika. Ne emisionin "Debat" kreu i FRD, Bamir Topi ka sqaruar vizionin e partisë qe ai drejton, duke thene se ne zgjedhjet e vitit 2013 do te garoje ne Tirane. Ne fund, zoti Topi ka nënvizuar se bashkëpunëtoret e agjenturave te huaja duhet te largohen nga politika.

Former President of the Republic now president of the New Democratic Spirit has made ??harsh accusations against Prime Minister Sali Berisha and the current majority indifference to the hunger strike that former political prisoners.
We emissionin "Debate", Topi declared that Berisha's role in this issue is the same as that of a persecutor of the communist regime, noting that in his view the strike is not political. Ball has promised that if he comes to power, within 3 years will indemnify persecuted. Referring to the invitation of the left leader, Edi Rama for pre-election coalition, Topi reiterated that FRD ??will not make a coalition with any of the major parties. According to him, Rama over the last few years has been close associate of Prime Minister Berisha. Former President Topi stated against a third term for Prime Minister Sali Berisha; bringing an example of how in China the prime age persons 68 years out of politics. We show "Debate" FRD leader, Bamir Topi has clarified the vision of the party he leads, saying that the elections of 2013 will compete in Tirana. In the end, Mr. Ball has pointed out that foreign intelligence services collaborators should be removed from politics.