Rama: Berisha synon kontroll te Prokurorisë - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Socialists will vote in Thursday's session pro lifting immunity of three MPs Taualant Balla, Tom Doshi and Loyalty Bare, who are required to be investigated by the prosecution as organizer of the demonstration of 21 January. Chairman of the SP, Edi Rama claimed that this event must be transcribed on the evidence, asking the prosecution body not affected by the pressures of Prime Minister Berisha and majority. We collect the Socialist parliamentary group, Edi Rama described as ugly instrumentation chief attacks against Prime Minister Ina Rama. According kryesocialistit, the goal is only one: the establishment in control of that body. But Rama had a message to Prime Minister Berisha, when reminded that if investigations are not white, January 21, Albania risks for third time receiving the candidate status. After the visit in Presevo, chairman of the SPA has made ??public the launch of drafting a bill to help with investment Albanians in the Presevo Valley.