The first Cousin, Devadatta,
Was always jealous of Buddha.
He told people, he was greater,
And Buddha was not superior.
King Bimbisara, the disciple
Of Buddha was too liberal
In giving gifts to Buddha
And not to Devadatta.
This burnt Devadatta’s heart.
He hatched a wicked plot
To dethrone King Bimbisara,
And crown his son Ajathashatru.
He told Ajatashatru, his friend,
“Your father has become old.
You just put him in prison
And then ascend the throne.”
“You’re wiser and superior
To your old father,
So, better rule the Kingdom
With all your wisdom.”
Tempted by his advice,
Ajatashatru, the prince,
Became the next ruling King
By imprisoning the old King.
As Bimbisara was a noble King,
His people started revolting.
On the advice of Devatta
He killed his father, Bimbisara.
Devatta wanted to eliminate
Buddha in the next plot.
With King Ajatashatru’s help
He wanted to send him up.
To kill Buddha, he sent
An archer, who went
And came back without
Shooting a single shot.
He said, “He’s so radiant,
So serene, and so great,
I can’t do any harm
Nor shoot to kill him.”
Rajaram Ramachandran