Rajaram Ramachandran - #(Buddha) 30 Pataki, the Outcaste

2014-11-10 6

Once, Ananda, the disciple,
Who was thirsty, went to a well
To drink water and saw on the spot,
A girl drawing water in her pot.

He asked for some water,
But the girl showed fear,
Saying, “I can’t give water
As my Matanga caste is lower.”

“Since I’m an outcaste,
And you, from a higher caste,
It’s not good on my part
To give you water from my pot.”

Anand said, “Your caste
Will not quench my thirst.
What I need is only water,
Which, I hope, you can spare.”

It was for the first time
A higher caste man came
And asked her to spare,
From her pot, water.

Immensely she was pleased.
Enough water, she spared.
Which Anand willingly drank
And then conveyed his thanks.

She began to love Anand,
And behind him, she followed.
At the monastery, Buddha asked
Why she was after Anand.

She said, “I’ve my love
For Anand, somehow.
In this monastery,
Allow me to stay.”

Buddha smiled and said,
“It’s not love, my child,
It’s but kindness, for what
Anand said at your spot.”

“Your heart, I find,
Is so pure and kind,
Accept that kindness,
And extend it to others.”

His words of wisdom
Sent her back home,
As a girl of kindness
With all his blessings.

Rajaram Ramachandran


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