Ramona Thompson - Who Wants To Adopt My Retarded Baby?

2014-11-10 3

Eager to make a deal, any deal
Whatever it takes to get rid of this monster
Hungry and crying beside me
Pretty enough on the outside
Ugly on the inside
Born with something missing
Born with something not quite right
Inside of its screwed up little head

Only 16 years old
I'm nowhere near ready or equipped to handle this kind of mess
Nor if I'm truthful do I really want to
Hey, I ain't no saint
Not gonna start lyin' and pretendin' to be one now
Maybe I'm being selfish, but I don't care
I'm too young and too full of plans to get tired down like this
Maybe I'd be willing to raise it
If the kid had even born perfect since it was't....

I really don't care what anyone here thinks of me
I really don't care if this thing beside me gets a good home or not
All I care or give a fig about is me, myself and I
Numero uno
I want to go to college
I want to get married and have happy, healthy, normal looking kids someday
I want it all
Everything except being a mom to whatever curse God has seen fit to place on me

So step right up
'Cause I'm ready, willing and able
To sign away my rights
To agree to whatever you've got in mind
To say goodbye
No, I won't cry
Not even a little
After all, you can't miss something you never wanted in the first place
Can you?

2009 Ramona Thompson

Ramona Thompson
