Chinese are buying vineyards around the world.
Many high net-worth individuals are investing their money in vineyards. It’s actually becoming quite the trend.
According to real estate brokers, the interest seems to be increasing among purchasers looking for sprawling lots of raw land and others who are seeking complete, ready-to-go, wine making estates.
A vineyard expert at Pacific Union International stated “I would say the Chinese are far and away number one for buyers right now. And after China, I say the biggest demand is Taiwan.” Bordeaux, France appears to be the most desired spot for aspiring acreage owners.
China has seen a surge in the popularity of wine in recent years - which may be prompting the interest in vineyard ownership amongst its citizens.
While the near-term trend may indicate solid growth, longer term, climate change may play a role in this market. A study on projected climate change and the effect it will have on areas able to grow wine has predicted that 85 percent of the land in Europe now being used for vineyards will be unsuitable for growing grapes by the year 2050.