ADHD Treatment Scottsdale Drug Free Options For ADD ADHD
Are you searching for Drug Free options and Treatment for ADD and ADHD treatment in Scottsdale Arizona.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is also known as hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder (ADD).
ADHD is a common condition that affects both children and adults, and symptoms can take a severe toll on quality of life for sufferers and their family and friends.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, between 3% and 10% of children suffer from some form of ADHD, and though some statistics claim as many as 70% of children will grow out of it, most experts find it doubtful that anyone ever really does.
Unfortunately, most kids diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) will be sentenced to a lifetime of medication.
Although drugs can provide short-term benefits in reducing symptoms associated with ADD and ADHD, they also can have harmful side effects.
Most side effects include social withdrawal, decreased responsiveness in relationships, clinical depression, fatigue, loss of humor, increased compulsive behavior, appetite suppression, impaired growth, and the risk of addiction.
The question you must answer, are drugs the best treatment, or is there a less drastic natural drug free alternative ADHD treatment option?
Braincore Therapy offers a drug free and non-invasive approach to addressing ADD and ADHD to Phoenix and Scottsdale area patients.
Drug free ADHD Treatment Options in Scottsdale Arizona
Using EEG biofeedback, adults and children can learn to increase the production of fast Beta brainwaves on their own, through the use of exercises for the brain. Over series of training sessions, the brain learns how to produce the right brain wave at the right time.
The dirty little secret Drug companies don't want you to know is that over 40 years of university based medical research has proven that this drug free and noninvasive ADD -- ADHD treatment option creates new and permanent neuropathways in the brain that can be accessed as needed providing natural relief.
Are you or your child a candidate for Braincore Therapy in the treatment of ADD or ADHD?
Neurofeedback is a highly effective alternative to Drugs. Arizona Braincore in North Phoenix just minutes from Scottsdale, wants you to come in and find out if you are a candidate for this drug free alternative to ADD and ADHD treatment.
Are you ready for ADHD treatment Scottsdale?
Contact us today for a consultation and get your questions answered.
Arizona Brain Core
4550 E Bell Rd Suite 152b
Phoenix, AZ 85032
(602) 788-2214
Learn more about ADD ADHD Treatment options in Scottsdale