CGR Undertow - SUPER ROBOT TAISEN EX review for Super Famicom

2013-05-17 4

Super Robot Taisen EX review. Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow review of Super Robot Taisen EX for Super Famicom developed by Winkysoft and published by Banpresto. Who doesn't dig giant robots? (Or mecha, if you're going to draw distinctions and get more pedantic than even I'm about to bear?) I thought so. Banpresto's M.O. throughout the... well, pretty much ever... was to jam as many giant robot licenses together into one game as they possibly could. Super Robot Taisen EX is the fourth such title in the series, which has spanned pretty much every platform you'd care to name with plot-heavy tactical wargaming, flashy attacks, and awesome soundtracks. This video review features video gameplay footage of Super Robot Taisen EX for Super Famicom and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's TJ.