Starving for Justice

2013-05-17 1

May 17, 2013 marks 100 days of the ongoing hunger strike in Guantanamo Bay.
The victims are prisoners who are indefinitely detained, tortured, & near death.

To mark this date, groups and individuals around the world are taking part in a weekend of action, fasting and protest around the world.

Please contact The London Guantánamo Campaign for actions in the UK:

- Pledge to fast in support of the hunger strikers either on the three days of the 17-19 May, before or after. Over 1000 people already have:

- Add your name to the following petitions to close Guantánamo: (almost 200,000 signatures already!)

- Get involved in the Twitter storm: Anonymous will be holding Twitter storms and various other online actions on 17-19 May. If you are on Twitter, please follow @OpGTMO and use the hashtags #closegitmo and #OpGTMO to get this weekend of action and awareness of the hunger strike trending

- Join the Save Shaker Aamer Campaign rolling vigil in Parliament Square, every weekday from 12-3pm, from 9-21 May, the state opening of Parliament to get the British Parliament to take action to reunite British resident Shaker Aamer with his British family after 11 ½ years. He is on hunger strike and is currently being force fed.

- Add your name and donate to the letter ad page in the New York Times, which will hopefully be published next week:

Buy and wear a t-shirt about Guantánamo Bay: now that the world has notice, keep the conversation going: and

This weekend of action is supported by: London Guantánamo Campaign (UK), Free Omar A Khadr Campaign, Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (UK), Cageprisoners (UK), Code Pink (USA), itness Against Torture (USA), World Can't Wait (USA), Facilitate Global (UK), Kingston Peace Council (UK), London Catholic Worker (UK), Veterans for Peace UK (UK), Save Shaker Aamer Campaign (UK), Campaign Against Criminalising Communities (UK), Voices for Creative Non-Violence (UK)

This film would not be possible to make without the help of Andy Worthington, Aisha Maniar from London Guantanamo Campaign, Aaf Post and Heather Marsh from Free Omar A Khadr (, Cageprisoners, Luc Côté and Patricio Henriquez.