High School Student Jeff Bliss' rant against his Duncanville High School teacher launched him into internet stardom after it came out.
What better way to pay our respects to this eloquent and motivational young man than making a crazy Taiwanese animation of it?! So here's to you Mr. Bliss, for saying all the things to your teacher that we wish we had the guts to say to our teachers, bosses, that jerk at the checkout line and anyone else who has wronged us in our lives.
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For those that are interested, here is Jeff Bliss' rant transcribed:
This freakin' lady go off on kids because they don't freakin' get this crap? (Bye.)
If you would just get up and teach them instead of handing them a freaking packet, yo. These kids in here don't learn like that. (Bye). They need to learn face-to-face. (Bye.) (Breathe.) You're just getting mad because I'm pointing out the obvious. (No. Cause you wasting my time.) No, I'm not wasting your time. (Uhm.) I'm telling you what you need to do. (Get out.) You want kids to come in your class? You want them to get excited for this? You got to come in here you got to MAKE 'em excited. You want a kid to change and start doing better? You gotta touch his freakin' heart. You can't expect the kid to change if all you do is just tell him. (Bye!) (Square Biz.) You gotta, you gotta take this job serious. This is the future of this nation. And when you come in here like you did last time and make a statement about "Oh this is my paycheck." (Can you please leave.) INDEED IT IS , but this is my country's future and my education. (I respect that. Can you go outside please. I got things to do.) But there's a limit. When I'm not bitching but simply making an observation. (Okay, okay.) And NOW I will leave. You're welcome. ( Good. Goodbye.) And if you would like (No, no.) I'll teach you a little more so you can actually learn how to teach a freakin' class. (No, you're not welcome back). Because since I got here (Go.) I've been nothing but reading packets. (Go. I'm. I'm not.) So don't try and take credibility for teaching me jack. (Just go, bye).
According to YouTube commenter MamaG007, "Initially Jeff was suspended, after the video went viral he was taken off suspension and the teacher was put on administrative (paid) leave."
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