Holy Spirit and Baptism - 2 Pillars #25

2013-05-14 13

On the Feast day of Our Lady of Fatima we meditate on knowing the Holy Spirit and the Grace of Baptism, where the Holy Spirit is received, as seen through the eyes of Mary, His spouse.
Meditations read in front of the exposed Blessed Sacrament for our Daily Holy Hour at our Bloomington, Indiana friary.
Ave Maria!
A Month with Mary by Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo
Day #13: Holy Baptism
MARY: The grace of God has enriched you from your birth.You came into the light crying. You were very tiny, but your soul had need of God. A humanly insurmountable barrier was interposed between you and God. You were a slave of the original fault. You were born with the curse that the first man passed on to you as a sad inheritance. This original fault deprived you of a great good: friendship and familiarity with God.
The Lord gave you back a new life, incorporating you into Jesus Christ, you, a creature of Adam, became a creature of the Redeemer, a child of the new Adam from whom you inherited the bless