Mainstream Media vs 9/11 Truth
W911: Compilation of many political and media fragments, political spin, propaganda and efforts to marginalize people or groups who ask critical questions and/or demand answers...
Uploaded by piscesgutt on Youtube on Feb 13, 2008
You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later God'll cut you down
George W. Bush
Bill Clinton
Noam Chomsky
Jonathan Turley
Christopher Hitchens
Tim Russert (NBC)
George W. Bush
Thomas Kean
Wolf Blitzer (CNN)
Jeff Ferrell (KSLA)
Keith Olbermann (MSNBC)
Tucker Carlson (MSNBC)
David Ray Griffin
Councilor Yukihisa Fujita of Democratic Party of Japan
Sabrina Rivera (
Rudy Giuliani
Matt Lepacek (Infowars)
Brian Kilmeade (Fox News)
Better Bad News
Paul Craig Roberts
Scott Ritter
Mitt Romney
Justin Martell (Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth)
Ron Paul
Willie Nelson
Bill O'Reilly (Fox News)
Dennis Kucinich
Donald Rumsfeld
Charlie Sheen
Jimmy Kimmel (ABC)
Ray McGovern (former CIA)
Condoleeza Rice
CODEPINK member Desiree Fairooz
Dick Cheney
Saddam Hussein
Phillip D. Zelikow
Charles Gibson (ABC)
Harry John Roland
Sean Hannity
John McCain
Alan Colmes
George H. W. Bush
Lindsay Graham
David Frum
Osama bin Laden
Ayman al-Zawahiri
William Kristol