Ivory Poachers Ravage African Park

2013-05-11 47

Ivory poachers ravage an African park.

An unknown number of elephants were killed at their popular gathering spot within a Central African Republic park.

The shooters are said to have stood on a scientist’s observation platform near a site where hundreds of elephants group to drink mineral salts.

Dr. Anna Feistner of the WWF thinks the killers were ivory poachers from Sudan. She said the group has been trying to enter the country for quite some time and is likely taking advantage of its current lawless state.

The raid is also causing concern among international conservation authorities as it was carried out in such a remote and well-guarded area.

African countries have seen incidents of ivory-harvesting skyrocket in the recent past. Last year a raid on a park in Cameroon left over 300 elephants dead.

The seizure of illegal ivory is at its highest level in 16 years.

The trading of ivory has been banned globally since 1989, but demand in many Asian countries is among the key factors for an active black market.

Conservations say poaching is the force behind up to 60 thousand elephant deaths every year.

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