Twenty-one budding divas donned impossibly high-heels on Friday to fight for a place in the opening gala of the upcoming Christopher Street Day, Berlin's vibrant LGBT Pride Week. The catwalk casting attracted drag queens from across Germany and the globe, with some coming from as far as the United States.
Held in the legendary Friedrichstadt-Palast, the so-called "Broadway of Berlin" which at 2854 square meters boasts the largest theatre stage in the world. Ghanaian-born professional catwalk trainer Ernest Look walked the ladies through a vigourous routine in front of the jury.
The discerning jury consisted of recently crowned "Miss Christopher Street Day 2013", Miss Estelle van der Rhone, catwalk trainer Ernest Look, CSD board member Dr. Sissy Kraus and both director, Berndt Schmidt and creative director, Roland Welke, of the Friedrichstadt-Palast.
Around 2000 spectators will pack into the glamorous show palace on Friday June 12 for the opening event, a mix of the "SHOW ME- Glamour is back" production currently on show alongside acts from the winner's of today's catwalk competition.
Christopher Street Day Pride Week is celebrating its 35th year, and will include the official opening Gala, Lesbian Pride Party, Berlin USA Pride Party and Finale Party after the world famous pride parade finishes on June 22. The proposed parade route will wind through the streets of Berlin.
Organisers expect around 700,000 partygoers and demonstrators to take part in the street parade which will flood central Berlin with floats, flags and banners.