There is a shocking presence of drug cartels in the US.
Drugs cartels in Mexico are a serious problem.
Their activity across the border is having a major influence on Americans as well, with many cities in the United States reporting cartel activity.
A vast network of operatives supports the violence, money and large amounts of drugs that make up the cartel’s business.
Statistics related to the Mexican drug cartels are grim. And looking at the map of the US, it's clear that the cartels are operating in most of the major metro areas. In some cities like Chicago, as many as 4 drug cartels are said to have a presence.
Since Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon announced that he was taking a stand against the cartels six years ago, there have been more than 55 thousand deaths and 6 thousand disappearances that are attributed to drug related activity.
The US Department of Justice reports that demand for drugs in the US is on the rise, so the seven Mexican cartels will continue to make money by delivering drugs.
In Mexico, journalists are one major casualty of the war on drugs.
Over 50 journalists have died or disappeared since 2006, and the cartels make no secret about targeting anyone who writes publicly about their activities.