Up to 1 Billion Birds Die Every Year by Flying into Windows

2013-05-08 4

Up to 1 billion birds die each year by flying into windows.

Have you ever wondered how many birds are killed by flying into windows?

One statistic estimates that somewhere between 100 million and one billion birds die every year in the United States from hitting windows.

The figures are from 1990, and were based using US Bureau of Census data to calculate the number of buildings in the country and multiplying that by factors of 1 to 10, which was an estimate of how many birds were killed hitting those buildings.

According to Professor Daniel Klem who put the statistics together, the number was “designed to inform anyone interested that this conservation issue about birds flying into windows was a serious one.”

Another estimate from 2004 generated by the British Trust for Ornithology says that there are around 100 million cases of birds flying into windows every year in the United Kingdom, and a third of those birds die.

Birds can’t see the transparent glass, or they see reflections of sky or open space, so they fly right into them.

There are a number of ways to prevent birds from flying blindly into windows, including something as simple as drawing the blinds.