Institute Members Dress Up as Pirates for Former Hostage's Speech

2013-05-07 53

Ladies from a women's institute embarrassingly dress as pirates for a former hostage's speech.

We all have occasional embarrassing moments.

A group of ladies from a women’s institute in North Devon, United Kingdom were left publicly humiliated after opting to dress as pirates.

The females were anticipating a visit and speech from a former sea captain, Colin Darch. The women believed he would be speaking about piracy in general, hence their decision to showcase the costumes. However, Darch was actually there to talk about his experience of being captured and held hostage by pirates in 2008.

Fortunately Darch was lighthearted and easy going about the situation. He stated “They were lovely ladies. They made me judge who was the best dressed which was a difficult choice. In the end I decided to choose the one with who had a fluffy parrot on her shoulder.”

In another blunder from last year, Australian officers hunted for a Viking ship that was cruising around Elcho Island. Frantic residents had spotted a 15 meter suspicious boat and alerted authorities.

It turned out to be a false alarm. A Watch Commander stated "With swords drawn, it was established the Viking vessel was a replica, crewed by six Russians who had sailed from Europe."

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