Fidelity Pill Discovered by Japanese Researchers

2013-05-04 43

A fidelity pill is discovered by Japanese researchers.

Ladies - if you don't think your partner is faithful, then you'll want to pay attention to this groundbreaking development.

Japanese researchers have had some success treating philandering with antibiotics. The specific drug is called minocycline, and recently scientists at
Waseda and Kyushu Universities found they can use it to minimize the poor decision-making men often exhibit in the presence of attractive women. 98 men were divided into 2 groups with one group given the antibiotic and the other a placebo.

The subjects were shown pictures of attractive women and asked to rate her trustworthiness, and how much money they’d share with each women.

The study showed the men found the more attractive women to be more trustworthy. However, the group who took the antibiotic gave the women less money than did the men on placebos.

The scientists interpreted the fiscally conservative subjects’ decisions as being of clearer mind and credited the clarity to the antibiotic. They determined that taking minocycline can lessen the impact of arousal and ensure uninfluenced actions.