School Teacher Donates Own Kidney to Student

2013-05-03 407

A school teacher donated her own kidney to a student.

A teacher in Ohio went above and beyond the call of duty. 8-year-old Nicole Miller had one weak kidney, due to a genetic disorder.

Over a dozen people in the local area offered to donate a kidney to Nicole, but to the dismay of her parents, not a single one matched. Last year, Nicole was a student in Wendy Killian’s class and during a parent-teacher conference, a discussion came up concerning the Millers problem in finding a donor.

That’s when Killian stepped to up the plate, believing she could help the family. Surprisingly, the teacher and student turned out to be a match.

Killian heartwarmingly states “I'm going to be going through a major surgery, but you know, it's only going to be a few weeks of my life. But to this little girl, it is her whole life.”

Last year, a father in Dallas, Marshall Smith received a successful kidney transplant from his 5-year-old son’s kindergarten teacher, Marie Bell. Bell stated “How could I look at that little boy, in his eyes every day, greet him as his caregiver, teacher, as his educator, and as a mother and know that I didn't try.”