CGR Undertow - LITTLE INFERNO review for Nintendo Wii U

2013-04-27 107

Little Inferno review. Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow review of Little Inferno on the eShop for the Nintendo Wii U developed and published by Tomorrow Corporation. In terms of gameplay, there’s isn’t much to Little Inferno. You grab an object and burn it. That’s about it. And yet despite what it seems, there may not be a game about so little that’s about so much. Managing to be funny, charming and disturbing all at once, Little Inferno is a casual puzzle game that’s thick with atmosphere and mood. You live in a strange cold world, but fortunately, you have the latest in consumer entertainment—the Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace! And all the creepiness that comes with it. Stylish and clever, Little Inferno burns to your core. This video review features video gameplay footage of Little Inferno on the eShop for the Nintendo Wii U and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.