Farmers Hope for Bumper Production of Mustard Crop in India's Kashmir

2013-04-26 283

Farmers in India's Kashmir hope for bumper production of mustard crop this year after favorable climatic conditions and timely rain in the winter season.

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Farmers in India's northern state of Jammu and Kashmir hoped for a high yield of mustard crops this year after favorable conditions this season.

After an all time low yield last year due to the lack of rainfall, farmers are hoping to turn things around.

[Mohamed Aslam, Farmer]
"If you see these mustard fields, they look beautiful at this time. Winter prevails here for six months and during that time no work takes place because of snowfall. We started working after six months and this is the first produce of Kashmir after winters. Healthy snow fall occurred this time, there was sufficient water for the fields and that is why the produce was good, the farmers are happy as the produce has come up really nice."

The mustard crop is of great importance to the farmers, as it is the first crop of the season.

Talking about the assistance provided by the provincial government, the Director of Agriculture Kashmir stressed the importance of the crop.

[Mushtaq Ahmad Shah, Director of Agriculture Kashmir]
"We have eighty six thousand hectares of land under mustard cultivation. We give thirty three percent of subsidies on high yielding variety of mustard crop to farmers. This year we have given twelve hundred quintals to the farmers for which we have given over $14,000 of subsidy to them."

The mustard crop is sown in September-October.

As temperatures rise after winter, the rapeseed-mustard crop blossoms and is harvested towards the end of May.

According to the agriculture department the production of the mustard oil crop is likely to double this year.

Tourists visiting Kashmir valley are fascinated by the mustard fields as the mustard crop has turned the whole picturesque Kashmir valley into a golden color.

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