Shen Yun Very Educational, Enlightening, Very Emotional

2013-04-26 1

Shen Yun, which roughly translates to "the beauty of the divine beings dancing" shows its audiences another side of China—that of the divine. After Shen Yun's performance at Lincoln Center, some audience members said that part of China's history came out from the performance.

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Shen Yun Performing Arts had its third performance in New York's Lincoln Center on Sunday. After the show, some audience members said they could see the spirituality in China's 5,000 years of culture.

[Kato Figueroa, Finance Industry]:
"Very educational, enlightening, very emotional."

[Judith McGlaughlin, Accountant]:
"It was just uplifting for the people there but also for your own life, you know, to take some of those messages and try to bring that compassion and peace and caring into your own world."

[Kato Figueroa, Finance Industry]:
"I like how it ties up with the Western God and the Asian philosophy. Very good touch."

[Satish Adige, Mergers and Acquisitions Manager, Time Warner Cable]:
"I think it says that divinity is important in life and I see that the appreciation of the Supreme Being is important and that message is very clear in the thing and so we enjoyed it very much."

[Judith McGlaughlin, Accountant]:
"It just, it did make you want to settle your own life down, be more peaceful with your own life and you know copy some of the messages that, you know, Chinese people bring."

[Suzanne Lekhno, Nurse Practitioner]:
"Such a peaceful show and such a feeling that, you know, like peaceful feeling."

[Loraine Rizzo, Former Landscape Designer]:
"I can't find the words to say."

Shen Yun will be performing at Lincoln Center until April 28th.

NTD News, New York

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