Companies Using Fingerprint Scanner to Test for Alcohol

2013-04-26 8

Companies are using a fingerprint scanner to test for alcohol.

Many companies screen their employees for drugs.

Now some of them, like Coca Cola, are implementing daily on the job alcohol testing through the use of the AlcoSense TruTouch scanner that can measure blood alcohol levels in eight seconds using a fingerprint scan.

Not everyone thinks that testing people to see if they’ve been drinking alcohol is the proper way to handle people who are drinking on the job.

Unison General secretary Dave Prentis said: "If workers have a problem with alcohol, their employers should not be relying on a gadget to entrap them, but should be providing them with proper support."

Some industries already have safety regulations that call for mandatory drug and alcohol testing, and others use drug testing in the case of accidents or include the right to drug test their employees in the contract.

Mandatory drug tests in the workplace might be in violation of the Human Rights Act, and may have an effect on employee morale.

One UK report says that the number of people who tested positive for drugs at work went up by 50 percent between the years 2007 and 2011.