Japanese anime: Cartoon love lands Kiwi in prison

2013-04-26 2

Japanese anime romance: A New Zealand man has been jailed for watching Japanese anime videos of pixies, elves and other make-believe creatures making cartoon love.

Ronald Clark downloaded the Japanese anime cartoons three years ago. It landed him in court in Auckland and he was jailed for three months for possessing objectionable material. Clark has prior convictions for indecently assaulting a teenage boy and has been through rehab programs. Clark said he downloaded the videos because of their 'artistic merit', adding that he didn't find them sexually arousing.

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Anti-child porn group ECPAT representative Alan Bell claims Hentai is basically a gateway to porn and could encourage people to 'migrate to the real thing' after watching the videos. Bell feels that the distribution of this type of animation could be damaging and could lead to more cases of child abuse.

The case has sparked debated in New Zealand as the what real harm is caused by digitally created pornography.

In 2009 in the US, Christopher Handley from Iowa was sentenced to six months for mail-ordering Manga comics. Good thing they don't have similar laws in Japan. Just think of how many people they'd have to lock up there!

Do you think Clark should have gotten jail time?

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