French Bus Drivers to Strike Over Too-Tight Uniforms

2013-04-24 250

French bus drivers will strike over bad uniforms.

Bus drivers in the French city of Marseille are going on strike over a uniform dispute.

It seems they don’t like their pants, citing the garment’s color and fit as the most disturbing aspects.

The biggest complaint is that the pants are just too tight, and one worker felt they made him look like a car repair chain employee.

A union leader pointed out that the color of them was the same as the one worn by military organizations.

In addition to objecting to the comfort level and hue of the pants, union officials are put off by the fact they weren’t consulted in the decision making process.

The uniform’s designer said, “People are saying they’ll look like clowns. Well, that was already the case with the old outfits.”

If the matter isn’t resolved soon workers will walk off the job on June 3rd for 24 hours.

Over the years the French in general have earned a reputation for going on strike a lot.

However, statistics show them to be about average when compared to other European countries between 1900 and 1970.