Light Drinking Doesn't Harm Pregnant Women: Study

2013-04-24 104

A study claims that light drinking is ok for pregnant women.

Researchers reported recently that light alcohol consumption among pregnant women does not adversely affect their offspring in the long run.

Scientists assessed the abilities of over 10 thousand United Kingdom 7-year-olds. They found little difference between those whose mothers abstained from alcohol during pregnancy and those whose mothers drank lightly.

Professor Yvonne Kelly, co-author of the study, said, "It doesn't seem biologically plausible that small amounts of alcohol would affect development either way. The environment children grow up in is massively more important.”

She also noted that heavy drinking, without question, has damaging effects. (1,5,1)

Light drinking was defined as ingesting up to two units of alcohol a day, a unit being about a half a pint of beer or a single shot of liquor.

An expert from the journal that published the study pointed out that refraining from alcohol consumption altogether is the safest option.

The CDC recently reported that 1 in 13 American women drink during pregnancy.

What do you think - is it ok for pregnant women to drink lightly?