Thousands demonstrated on Sunday (April 21) against a same-sex marriage bill set to be approved during a final vote in the lower house of the parliament on Tuesday this week.
The initiative of French president Francois Hollande to allow same-sex couples to tie the knot has split the nation and sparked huge protests both for and against the law.
It is set to be approved on Tuesday by the parliament where Hollande's Socialist party has the majority.
As the deadline approached, the "anti" protests have turned violent and police have noted a rise in homophobic assaults.
The leaders of the movement opposing the law said they were as determined as ever.
The march was coordinated by the "Protest for Everyone" movement, whose name references the "Marriage for Everyone" nickname of the gay marriage movement.
A demonstration in support of the bill was taking place simultaneously in a different location in Paris.
The law is the most significant social ref