SoMax is a Creative Digital Agent that improvises and generates arrangements on the fly by listening to live musicians. SoMax draw his knowledge from unspervised learning on corpuses, and adapts continuously his perception of the melodic, rythmical and harmonic logic of the musicians and his own improvisation logic.
SoMax is developed by the IRCAM Music Representation Team with the support of the ANR (project SOR2)
SoMax is developed by the IRCAM Music Representation Team with the support of the ANR (project SOR2). It is based on the OMax technnology.
The OMax project is based at Ircam with collaborations from UCSD, CNSMDP and EHESS.
OMax is a technology that allows a virtual musical agent to learn straight from the musicians playing live and to develop its own musical discourse in dialog with the musicians based on stylistic and timbral imitation.