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Montessori Letter Sounds - Educational app by 3 Elles Interactive

2013-04-20 1

Discover ou iPad app "Montessori Letter Sounds HD" to get your child on the road to reading.
Based on the Montessori* method, Montessori* Letter Sounds works in 4 steps:
- Around 3 years old: "I spy" to play sound games.
- Around 4 years old: "Letter sounds" to memorize the letter sounds and how they are written.
- Between 4 and 5: "Mix and match" to bring together the two first steps.
- Around 4 1/2 years old: "Sound it out" to write their first words using a moveable alphabet.

In each step children will find a learning activity and a game activity to help them put their learning into practice. Self-correction is encouraged throughout the app to increase self-confidence.

Available on the App Store for iPad: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/montessori-letter-sounds-hd/id494564125?mt=8