Where does the time go? It’s hard to believe we at Sodexo just “gaveled out” of our 10th Diversity Business Leadership Summit, also known as the DBLS. Our goal in the beginning was to foster a better understanding of an inclusive environment and how it could benefit us as a workforce, community members, as well as a business.
Ten years later, the facts and statistics reiterate what we already knew: Diverse organizations are enjoying measurable bottom-line contributions as a result of inclusiveness.
A recent study commissioned by CalPERS, for example, found that companies with diverse boards exceeded Dow Jones and NASDAQ average returns on five years, and companies that did not have diverse boards were at a competitive disadvantage. In 2010 Calvert issued a study and found that companies demonstrating a robust commitment to diversity, in addition to competitive financial performance, are better positioned to generate long-term value for their shareholders.