Entertaining and Thrilling Shen Yun Performing Arts in Austin

2013-04-19 413

Shen Yun Performing Arts excited audience members at the Long Center in Austin, Texas. Here's what the audience had to say.

[Ellen Melton, Psychologist]:
"It's absolutely beautiful, it's gorgeous, amazing, wow! it's extraordinary."

Lawyer Scott Agthe is there with his family and is full of admiration for the artists.

[Scott Agthe, Attorney]:
"Very gorgeous, and just such accomplished dancers. You can tell, they really know their stuff, and they've trained really hard. They were beautiful."

[Debbie Agthe, Teacher]:
"It was beautiful, and entertaining and thrilling. And just to see all the different kinds of dances, representing different regions and time periods of China. So educational, too. Just enjoyed everything, the music, the songs, the dancing, the different dances and the story telling."

Mexican folk dance performer Claudia Sanders admired the Shen Yun dancers.

[Claudia Sanders, Mexican Folkloric Dancer]:
"Just how well the dancers represent the role in the, in the performances. It's amazing and the costumes are beautiful. Colorful. And the silk just flying with the dancers. We saw on the internet how hard they work and practice and how they are sweating. You can see that when you see the performance, that they are passionate about what they do and they reflect that. It's a wonderful thing for, for anybody to see."

Elizabeth says she's completely immersed in the show and feels quiet and peaceful.

[Elizabeth, Psychologist]:
"As though you're in another world, and it's so peaceful and calm, such a wonderful feeling like, like waves of warmth and sun kind of falling over you, It just, it feels wonderful."

NTD News Austin, Texas