Surah Ar-Rahman سورة الرحمن - القاريء الشيخ احمدبن علي العجمي

2013-04-12 4

سورة الرحمن - القاريء الشيخ احمدبن علي العجمي
Surah Ar-Rahman
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
The Beneficent (1) Hath made known the Qur'an. (2) He hath created man. (3) He hath taught him utterance. (4) The sun and the moon are made punctual. (5) The stars and the trees adore. (6) And the sky He hath uplifted; and He hath set the measure, (7) That ye exceed not the measure, (8) But observe the measure strictly, nor fall short thereof. (9) And the earth hath He appointed for (His) creatures, (10) Wherein are fruit and sheathed palm-trees, (11) Husked grain and scented herb. (12) Which is it, of the favours of your Lord, that ye deny? (13) He created man of clay like the potter's, (14) And the jinn did He create of smokeless fire. (15)