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This demonstration video discusses and shows the features of the Sherwood Amphos Air / Nitrox Wrist Computer Dive Watch. The Amphos wrist computer is a full function Air/Nitrox dive computer. It supports air, nitrox, gauge and free dive modes. The watch supports the DSAT decompression model (Modified Haldanean) and is nitrox programmable (21-50%) with a 2 Gas feature (2 nitrox mix 21-100%). The Sherwood Amphos features an audible & flashing LED alarm, has a backlight for night diving, and comes with a deep stop and safety stop function with countdown timer. The computer logs up to 24 dives. The Sherwood Amphos wrist computer features user changeable batteries and user changeable Imperial/Metric. The computer can be used up to a depth of 330 feet.