911 Operator Dispatches Mother for Help

2013-04-05 31

A 911 operator dispatches her mother for help.

A 911 operator took an unconventional approach to saving a life.

On Easter Sunday, a 45-year-old woman had been kayaking when she got stranded in the Columbia River after her kayak sank.

A female emergency dispatcher received the call and notified the sheriff’s department. She also knew it would take them a little while to get out to the location so she contacted her family members, who own boats and live near the area where the lady was deserted.

The 911 operator’s mother along with another relative took off in kayaks and paddled to the frightened woman. She was cold but did not need medical care.

Authorities believe the lady, who had been from out of town, had very little experience with boating.

In 2009, a 911 operator in Massachusetts was alerted that calls were coming in about a house fire. The home turned out to be his own.

His parents also resided in the two-family house. Once the panicked emergency dispatcher received permission from his sergeant, he took matters into his own hands and left work to see that his family was safe.

Luckily, everyone escaped the fire without injury.