Pure Leverage Single Mom Goes from Foodstamps to 120k - YouTube

2013-04-04 52

http://www.gvoacademy.com/live/?id=cheryltraxler Pure Leverage Single Mom Goes from Foodstamps to 120k in just 8 months online. She struggled to just buy diapers and put food on the table. She found GVO and started following the training and turned her life around completely. She hit rock bottom and figured there had to be away out ... searching on facebook on day and found the answer.Joel Therein gave hope and meaning to her life again. If your on the fence take the plunge and see what he can do for you. If she can go from dead broke on food stamps to making over $120,000 in her first year online then you can too. http://www.pureleverage.com/?id=cheryltraxler&campaign=youtubesinglemom