Apr 04 - Homily: Terrifying Resurrection

2013-04-04 5

Fr. Joachim on how Jesus opens the minds of the disciples to the meaningof scripture, enabling them to understand and accept that the Messiah must suffer, die and then beresurrected. Upuntilthis point the whole reality of these events was simply tooterrifyingto evenunderstand. Only when they understood did the presence of the resurrected Christ cease to terrify them. Fatherrelatesthis to our modern fear of preaching the truths of the faith and that the full acceptance of the truth of the resurrection is what will overcome this and enable us to make the resurrected Christ present to others.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Thursday of Easter Week - Wkdy - Form:OF
1st: act 3:11-26
Resp: psa 8:2, 5, 6-7, 8-9
Gsp: luk 24:35-48
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