Learn out how Pakistan is planning to re-educate militants.
Several jihadi rehabilitation centers are operating in the Swat Valley of Pakistan.
Even though the Taliban have mostly been removed by military forces in Swat, their presence is still felt through the scores of men that were indoctrinated and fought for the militant Taliban.
The lack of education and media exposure in the area makes young boys an easy target for Taliban members to detain and teach to be radical Islamic militants.
There are several jihadi rehab centers in Pakistan trying to reeducate the thousands of men and young boys. And in turn, make them functional members of society, instead of active terrorists.
Classes focus on life skills, and interfacing with media like the Internet, which is unknown in some rural parts of Pakistan.
Other rehabilitation programs in places like Saudi Arabia, take in former Guantanamo Bay prisoners and try to help them integrate into everyday life.
Most cases from the Saudi program are successful, with a reported 80 percent of those who complete the program not rejoining radical Islamic groups as of early 2010.