Airline Will Charge Overweight Passengers More

2013-04-04 1

An airline will charge overweight passengers more.

Well Samoa Air is adding on one more extra cost to flights…for overweight passengers.

The airline has become the first in the world to implement what is called a “pay as you weigh” policy. The new system requires travelers to key in their bodily weight along with the amount of their luggage.

Prices per kilogram vary depending on the flight distance but they range from $1 to a little over $4. Although the policy has met with some expected criticism, the airline hopes it will promote heath awareness as Samoa is among the top 10 countries for obesity levels.

A marketing representative for Samoa Tourism also points out the safety aspect stating “When you're only fitting eight to 12 people in these aircraft and you've got some bigger Samoans getting on, you do need to weigh them and distribute that weight evenly throughout the aircraft, to make sure everyone's safe.”

What do you think about Samoa Air's new policy? Would you want to tell your weight when checking in?